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Người đăng tin: Ngày đăng tin: 03/03/2016 Lượt xem: 1

I would like to welcome you to the website of the Danang Investment Promotion Center.

We hope our website provides you with the necessary information about the investment climate, diverse opportunities and investment procedures along with an overview of the living and working conditions in Danang City, to support your investment plans.

Investors are always welcomed at the Danang Investment Promotion Center (IPC Danang). IPC Danang works as the bridge between investors and the municipal authorities to facilitate investment into the city of Danang. We are your reliable partner and provide support and information through the full range of study, establishment and realization of investments in Danang.

We look forward to cooperating to achieve your investment goals.

Feedback about our website information and services are very welcome, as we strive to continually to improve the quality and depth of information we provide to best meet investors requirements and help them to achieve success in Danang.


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Tầng 18, Trung tâm Hành chính,

24 Trần Phú, thành phố Đà Nẵng

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84-236-3886243/ 3810054


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Bản quyền của Ban Xúc tiến và Hỗ trợ đầu tư Đà Nẵng

Giấy phép: Số 124/GP-STTTT do Sở Thông tin và Truyền thông Đà Nẵng cấp ngày 20/02/2017

Trưởng Ban Biên tập: Bà Huỳnh Liên Phương - Giám đốc Ban Xúc tiến và Hỗ trợ đầu tư Đà Nẵng