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Four new projects in Da Nang starting construction
Người đăng tin: Ngày đăng tin: 06/06/2019 Lượt xem: 6

Four out of eight projects that received investment certificates or investment proposal approvals at the major investment promotion event Spring Conference 2019 in Da Nang early this year have kicked off construction.

Handover of Investment Certificates to businesses at the Spring Dialogue 2019

The Danang Department of Planning and Investment has just sent a report to the Danang People's Committee reviewing the implementation of signed projects at the Spring Dialogue 2019.

Accordingly, at the Spring Dialogue 2019 on March 1, the city granted investment certificates, investment proposal approvals, and notices allowing investment study for 19 projects with a total investment capital of nearly $4 billion.

Of the eight projects that have received investment certificates or investment proposal approval on the occasion, four have begun construction, meeting the set schedule in the certificates.

These four projects cover Sunshine aerospace component manufacturing plant, Xuan Thieu resort expansion, Key Tronic Vietnam signal lamp production facility, and Nissan Automobile expansion.

The four remaining projects, now in the legal setup stage, are slated to start construction in the forthcoming time.

The four remaining projects, now in the legal setup stage, are slated to start construction in the forthcoming time.

Besides, the investors of the 11 projects that received notices allowing for investment study at the Spring Dialogue 2019 are busy fulfilling procedures related to the planning, drawing environmental impact assessment, or organising auctions on land use right, as per existing regulations.

For each project, the Da Nang Department of Planning and Investment said that there have been specific proposals urging related authorised agencies to speed up the process of settling procedures in order to accelerate the progress of the projects which were signed at the Spring Dialogue 2019.

Read more at https://www.vir.com.vn/

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