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Busan-Đà Nẵng direct flight opens
Người đăng tin: Ngày đăng tin: 01/11/2018 Lượt xem: 6

Busan-Đà Nẵng direct flight opens

Korean Air celebrates its direct flight from Busan to Đà Nẵng with a ceremony at Đà Nẵng Airport. — Photo courtesy Thùy Linh

Korean Air has launched a direct flight to connect Đà Nẵng with Busan, Korea, offering 21 flights per week between the two cities.

The airline said the route’s first flight landed at Đà Nẵng International Airport at midnight on October 29.

It said the new route, which uses the Boeing B737-900, will help meet the increasing demand of tourists from Korea to visit the central city.

Korean Air alone operates 20 flights linking cities in Việt Nam and Korea including two daily flights from Incheon to Đà Nẵng.

Both Vietnamese and Korean budget airlines have operated flights between Korean cities and Đà Nẵng since 2014.

Budget airline carrier Jeju Air also operates a route between Đà Nẵng and Incheon, with a 189-seat Boeing B737-800 aircraft.

National flag carrier, Vietnam Airlines, has operated a Đà Nẵng-Busan route, with two flights per week, since 2013. — VNS

Read more at http://vietnamnews.vn

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