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Da Nang named among 10 best places to visit for Singaporeans
Người đăng tin: Ngày đăng tin: 16/10/2018 Lượt xem: 5

Based on booking and travel trends in the first 8 months of this year, Kayak, a Singapore-based travel booking site, has named Da Nang amongst the top 10 places to visit for Singaporean tourists.

River lights: A cruise boat in Hàn River in Đà Nẵng. — File Photo. Read more at http://vietnamnews.vn/life-style/467548/da-nang-a-top-holiday-spot-for-singaporeans.html#G0w1ygSB5pOHaDFF.99
River lights: A cruise boat in Han River in Da Nang. — File Photo.

The Indonesian city of Bandung, surrounded by the lush green Parahyangan mountains, topped the list. Indonesia’s Yogyakarta, Luzon Islands in the Philippines and Malaysia’s Kuching are some of the others in the list.

Viet Nam currently provides a reciprocal 30-day visa exemption for citizens of ASEAN member nations.

Along with Chinese and South Koreans, Singaporeans have been the biggest visitors to Da Nang in recent years.

Last month Singapore’s Channel News Asia had included Da Nang in a list of five “under the radar” destinations in South and Southeast Asia.

Travel magazine Live and Invest Overseas voted Da Nang among world’s most livable cities earlier this year.

(Source: VNS/ DA NANG Today)

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