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Da Nang possesses great potential to become a semicon center in Viet Nam
Author: Hòa Duy Võ Updated: 10/09/2024 Views: 2

This is the opinion of many experts and delegates attending Da Nang Semicon Day 2024 held on August 30, 2024.

Speaking at the Semiconductor Investment Promotion Conference on the morning of August 30, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications - Bui Hoang Phuong affirmed that "Da Nang City is a dynamic locality, representing the spirit of daring to think, daring to do, and being innovative, which are suitable characteristics for developing the semiconductor industry. Da Nang has a favorable investment and business environment, high-quality human resources, developed information technology infrastructure, and the attention and determination of the City government are also important factors ensuring the development of the semiconductor industry".

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications - Bui Hoang Phuong speaking at the Conference (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

Ms. Susan Burns - Consul General of the US in Ho Chi Minh City, said that “Da Nang's semiconductor industry is attracting global attention thanks to its strategic location and high-quality human resources. The US recognizes the importance of promoting the supply chain and wishes to enhance cooperation in the semiconductor sector in Da Nang”.

"Recently, Da Nang's emerging semiconductor industry has attracted global attention, thanks to the rapid development of industrial infrastructure, Da Nang's strategic location, and increasingly advanced skilled workforce. Thanks to its emerging technology ecosystem, Da Nang is in a favorable position to lead this growth", Ms. Susan Burns affirmed.

Ms. Susan Burns - Consul General of the US in Ho Chi Minh City spoke at the Conference (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

Ms. Thuy Pham Thi Ngoc Thuy, Director of the Office of Private Economic Development Research, said, “It can be said that the persistence of Da Nang city from October 2023 to now and with the impetus of Resolution 136 on special policies for the development of Da Nang city, including outstanding preferential policies on semiconductors, in the coming period Da Nang will have a breakthrough, a “livable” city is not just about coming to Da Nang for tourism and relaxation, but it will be a truly attractive environment for businesses and investors to come to the city to invest and do business”.

Speaking at the Conference, Mr. Robert Li, Vice President of Synopsys in charge of business in Taiwan (China) and South Asia shared, “When talking to partners, I often say Come to Da Nang - the new Silicon city by the sea. You can find potential and opportunities for development. For me, every time I come to Da Nang, I feel like I am coming home." Mr. Trinh Khac Hue, General Director of Qorvo Vietnam, said that Da Nang is an ideal place to develop the semiconductor industry. Currently, Qorvo Vietnam is continuing to research and work with the city in developing semiconductors.

Experts discuss the potential for attracting investment in the semiconductor industry of Da Nang (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

In its development strategy, the city has identified high technology, including the semiconductor industry and artificial intelligence, as an important part of five breakthrough industries, creating momentum for rapid and sustainable development for the city; attracting investment and developing the fields of semiconductors, semiconductors, and artificial intelligence is not a short-term, trendy activity, but a field with priority for research, investment, and systematic, long-term development. Da Nang aims to become one of the three major semiconductor centers in Vietnam by 2030, forming a network for training high-quality human resources in semiconductors associated with the synchronous development of the semiconductor ecosystem. Specifically, focus on taking advantage of all resources to train and attract at least 5,000 high-quality human resources for the semiconductor industry, including at least 2,000 design personnel and 3,000 testing and packaging personnel; attract investment from at least 20 semiconductor design and design service enterprises, including 1-2 packaging and testing enterprises.

Realizing the development orientation, in recent times, Da Nang has implemented many important solutions to develop the semiconductor industry, especially cooperating with large domestic and foreign enterprises to attract investment, train human resources, and form a semiconductor ecosystem and artificial intelligence. The world's leading semiconductor design enterprises such as Synopsys and Marvell are present in Da Nang. Nvidia, Qualcom, Intel, Qorvo, MediaTek... corporations have come to survey investment opportunities in Da Nang and are planning to cooperate in training high-quality human resources in the city. Foxlink Group, one of the leading enterprises of Taiwan (China) has also invested 135 million USD in the city and is planning to expand in the near future. Da Nang has also established the Center for Research and Training on Microchip Design and Artificial Intelligence (DSAC), the first center in the country to organize investment support activities, research, training and international cooperation in the fields of microchips, artificial intelligence...

In preparing land funds, infrastructure of concentrated IT zones, Software Parks, high technology for businesses to implement projects on microchips, semiconductors, artificial intelligence, Da Nang has 01 High-Tech Park and 03 concentrated IT Zones recognized by the Prime Minister. Currently, Da Nang is completing and is expected to put into use from the end of 2024 Software Park No. 2 with a floor area of ​​over 90,000 m2, meeting the needs of more than 6,000 employees. At the same time, it is preparing suitable land funds as well as investing in 03 new information technology parks to welcome investment projects of microchip, semiconductor, and artificial intelligence enterprises. International fiber optic network infrastructure, electricity and traffic infrastructure, and logistics fully meet the requirements of investors in microchip, semiconductor, and artificial intelligence.

Software Park No. 2 is being completed and is expected to be put into use in the near future (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

In preparation for training, developing human resources and attracting experts in the fields of microchips, semiconductors, and artificial intelligence, Da Nang has 37 human resource training facilities related to the information technology industry and fields related to the microchip and semiconductor field. The total number of annual graduates in the field of information technology and fields related to the microchip and semiconductor field (such as telecommunications, mechatronics, automation, etc.) is about 5,700 students. To date, 3 universities in Da Nang have announced new enrollment targets for microchip design engineers from August 2024 with nearly 200 targets/year. At the same time, 3 classes have been deployed to convert engineers from fields related to the microchip design field.

Recently, the National Assembly passed Resolution No. 136 on the organization of urban government and piloting special mechanisms and policies for the development of Da Nang, including outstanding preferential policies for strategic investors and strategic partners in the fields of microchips and artificial intelligence. Specifically, the policy of exempting corporate income tax and personal income tax; the policy of supporting training and fostering costs in the microchip and semiconductor industry; the policy of attracting experts and scientists; the policy of supporting costs for purchasing support equipment for businesses; the policy of directly leasing information infrastructure assets without auction, implementing designated bidding, purchasing special equipment from strategic partners in the fields of microchips and semiconductors, artificial intelligence, etc. Based on Resolution 136 of the National Assembly, the city is currently drafting a Resolution regulating policies to support the development of the semiconductor, microchip and artificial intelligence sectors in the area to specify the preferential support contents. The city strives to promptly promulgate and apply in early 2025, contributing to quickly creating a favorable environment, encouraging and strongly attracting students studying semiconductors, microchips, AI, experts, intellectuals to work, transfer technology, knowledge as well as having a mechanism to support businesses operating in the field of semiconductors, AI in the city.

It can be said that with the advantages of favorable geographical location, skilled labor force, synchronously invested infrastructure, the business and investment environment is constantly improved towards transparency, efficiency, especially with the attention of Government leaders and the determination of local authorities in creating a legal corridor and preferential mechanisms to support specific investment in the development of the semiconductor industry, Da Nang has been attracting the attention of businesses and large investors in the semiconductor industry./.

IPA Da Nang



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