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Da Nang successfully organized Semicon Da Nang 2024
Author: Vi Lam Lê Updated: 09/09/2024 Views: 4

On August 30, 2024, Da Nang city organized the event Semicon Da Nang 2024. Attending the event were Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Bui Hoang Phuong. On the city side, there were Members of the Party Central Committee, the Secretary of the City Party Committee, the Head of the National Assembly Delegation of Da Nang City Nguyen Van Quang, the Standing Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee Nguyen Dinh Vinh, Chairman of the City People's Committee Le Trung Chinh. The event Semicon Da Nang 2024 includes 02 main sessions: "Da Nang Semiconductor Investment Promotion Conference" in the morning and "Da Nang Semiconductor Talent Supply and Demand Matching Conference" in the afternoon.

The event Semicon Da Nang 2024 was held for the first time in Da Nang and Central Vietnam with the aim to promote the potential, advantages, and investment opportunities in the semiconductor industry in Da Nang City  to attract the attention of domestic and international enterprises, investors, and international organizations. The event also seeks to leverage both domestic and foreign investment resources, particularly foreign direct investment (FDI), in the context of the National Assembly passing Resolution No. 136/2024/QH15 on June 26, 2024, regarding the organization of urban government and pilot implementation of specific regulations and policies for the development of Da Nang City. With the participation of nearly 500 delegates from central ministries and agencies, diplomatic missions, business associations, both domestic and foreign enterprises, investors, educational and training institutions, experts, scientists, news agency and press, Semicon Da Nang 2024 serves as a forum for stakeholders to exchange ideas, discuss, and propose policies and solutions for the semiconductor’s development in Da Nang,  targeting at establishing the city as a semiconductor hub in Central Vietnam. Additionally, the event welcomed the participation of over 100 delegates virtually.

Conference's view (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

In the Opening remarks, the Chairman of the City People's Committee, Le Trung Chinh, said that the event Semicon Da Nang 2024 was held for the first time in Da Nang and Central Vietnam, marking a new milestone in the development journey of Da Nang city. The Chairman of the City People's Committee affirmed: "With the goal of "taking the lead and going fast" in developing human resources for the semiconductor industry in Vietnam to catch the investment wave, Da Nang is looking forward to valuable contributions from domestic and foreign investors, businesses, and experts in the planning and development orientation of the semiconductor industry, thereby establishing an open investment environment with appropriate support mechanisms and investment incentives, creating fast and effective investment opportunities for investors in this field".

Chairman of Da Nang City People's Committee, Le Trung Chinh, delivered the opening remarks at the Morning Session (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

On behalf of the Ministry of Information and Communications - Deputy Minister Bui Hoang Phuong affirmed that "Da Nang City is a dynamic locality, representing the spirit of daring to think, daring to do, and innovation. These are suitable characteristics for developing the semiconductor industry. Da Nang has a favorable investment and business environment, high-quality human resources, developed information technology infrastructure, and the attention and determination of the City government are important factors to ensure the development of the semiconductor industry." He suggested that "Da Nang needs to soon research and develop resolutions regulating policies to support the development of the semiconductor and artificial intelligence in the city to concretize the contents stipulated in Resolution 136 into practice, promptly promulgate and apply in early 2025"

Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Bui Hoang Phuong delivered a speech at the Conference (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

At the conference, Ms. Susan Burns, US Consul General in Ho Chi Minh City, said that Da Nang's semiconductor industry was attracting global attention thanks to its strategic location and high-quality human resources. The United States recognizes the importance of promoting the supply chain and wishes to strengthen cooperation in the semiconductor sector in Da Nang. "Recently, Da Nang's emerging semiconductor industry has attracted global attention, thanks to the rapid development of industrial infrastructure, Da Nang's strategic location, and increasingly advanced skilled workforce. And with its emerging technology ecosystem, Da Nang is well-positioned to be at the forefront of this growth," said Ms. Susan Burns.

The Panel Discussion within the framework of the Conference with the participation of experts also took place enthusiastically. Mr. Trinh Khac Hue, General Director of Qorvo Vietnam, said that Da Nang was an ideal place to develop the semiconductor industry. Currently, Qorvo Vietnam is continuing to conduct investment research and work closely with the city departments in developing semiconductors. He believes that the key point for Da Nang to succeed is to develop high-quality human resources for engineers. Persistent training will help Da Nang become the center of microchip design in Vietnam and further in the world. Mr. Le Quang Dam, General Director of Marvell Vietnam, also believes that high-quality human resources are the most important factor for developing the semiconductor industry in Vietnam in general and Da Nang in particular. "Da Nang City needs cooperation between businesses, universities... in training human resources and sharing techniques on new technologies. Only then can we compete with enterprises around the world," said Mr. Le Quang Dam.

Panel discussion at the Morning Session (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

Delivering the speech at the Conference, Party Central Committee member, Secretary of the City Party Committee Nguyen Van Quang expressed his wish that "Partners, investors, and enterprises will accompany and effectively implement the investment projects and cooperation agreements signed today; at the same time, establish offices, design centers, R&D centers, actively contribute to the process of policy making, human resource training activities in the city's semiconductor industry, spread positive information about the city's orientations and determination in developing the semiconductor industry, towards the goal of sustainable development together". "I believe that with the unanimous determination and sincere cooperation of all parties, in the coming time, Da Nang will gradually become a leading semiconductor center of Vietnam, thereby contributing to bringing Vietnam deeper into the global semiconductor value chain", the Secretary of the City Party Committee emphasized.

Closing remarks by the Secretary of Da Nang Party Committee, Le Van Quang (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

Additionally, during the conference, several trilateral cooperation agreements and MOUs for semiconductor development in Da Nang were signed, including (1) Da Nang Department of Information and Communications, Synopsys International, and Viettel Group; (2) Da Nang Department of Information and Communications, Synopsys International, and Sovico Group; (3) Da Nang Department of Information and Communications and Marvell Technology Vietnam; (4) The Da Nang Department of Information and Communications and FPT IS. A cooperation agreement between Da Nang Department of Science and Technology and Makara Capital Partners was also signed, focusing on investment support for Da Nang's startup and innovation enterprises.      Additionally, during the conference, several trilateral cooperation agreements and MOUs for semiconductor development in Da Nang were signed, including (1) Da Nang Department of Information and Communications, Synopsys International, and Viettel Group; (2) Da Nang Department of Information and Communications, Synopsys International, and Sovico Group; (3) Da Nang Department of Information and Communications and Marvell Technology Vietnam; (4) The Da Nang Department of Information and Communications and FPT IS. A cooperation agreement between Da Nang Department of Science and Technology and Makara Capital Partners was also signed, focusing on investment support for Da Nang's startup and innovation enterprises.

Awarded the Trilateral Cooperation Agreement and MOU on cooperation in developing the semiconductor chip field
in Da Nang city (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

     In the afternoon Panel Discussion of the "Da Nang Semiconductor Talent Supply and Demand Matching Conference," delegates exchanged and discussed trends in recruitment demand among enterprises, the current quality of human resources training programs, and proposed directions for coordination among the government, schools, and enterprises to connect supply and demand and develop a semiconductor workforce meeting the required standards in Da Nang.

Panel discussion at the Afternoon Session (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

Within the framework of the Afternoon Session, the following activities took place:

     - MOU signing for cooperation between the Da Nang Center for Semiconductor and AI Design Research and Training and the Department of Information and Communications with six universities in Da Nang (University of Science and Technology, University of Information and Communication Technology Vietnam-Korea, University of Technical Education, Duy Tan University, FPT University, and Dong A University) to support research, training, and development in semiconductor and AI, as well as cooperation with Tecotec Group and K&H MFG for semiconductor training and lab support.

    - Training contract signing for semiconductor packaging and testing between Dong A University and Minghsin University of Science and Technology.

   - MOU exchange for cooperation in semiconductor workforce training and supply between Tecotec Group, K&H MFG, and universities and colleges in Da Nang (University of Technical Education, Duy Tan University, Dong A University, Vocational College, Phuong Dong College).

    - MOU exchange for recruitment cooperation between LTD Material and the University of Science and Technology.

Awarding MOU between Tecotec Group Joint Stock Company and K&H MFG Company (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

22 core lecturers were awarded the certificates of the train-the-trainer program on semiconductor design organized by the Da Nang Center for Semiconductor and AI Design Research and Training in collaboration with the Vietnam National University Hanoi’s Institute of Information Technology and the University of Information and Communication Technology Vietnam-Korea, with sponsorship from Synopsys. Additionally, the admission of the lecturers in the semiconductor packaging and testing program in Da Nang City by Arizona State University (USA) and sponsored by the U.S. Department of State’s International Technology Security and Innovation Fund was also announced.

Closing ceremony of the train-the-trainer program on semiconductor design (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

Announcement of admission for the lecturers in the semiconductor packaging and testing program in Da Nang city (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

On delivering Concluding remarks at the Afternoon session, Standing Vice Chairman of the City People's Committee Ho Ky Minh requested that "units assigned to the Project "Development of Semiconductor and Artificial Intelligence in Da Nang City" focus on effectively implementing the tasks and solutions set out, promptly report difficulties and problems, contributing to completing the goal of training 5,000 semiconductor engineers of the city by 2030 on time, providing enough high-quality human resources for businesses operating in the city and the region" and "organizations signing the MOU on cooperation today promptly implement the signed contents, closely coordinate with units in the city to implement contents related to human resource training, contributing to building a semiconductor ecosystem in the city". Mr. Ho Ky Minh also expressed his hope that "enterprises, schools, and related units will continue to accompany the city, closely coordinate in building training programs and roadmaps, helping the development of human resources in semiconductors and artificial intelligence of the city to ensure both quality and timely progress".

Standing Vice Chairman of Da Nang City People's Committee Ho Ky Minh closing remarks at the Conference (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

Delegates took photos together at the event (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

Moreover, on August 29, 2024, side events took place, including field trips to introduce some of the city’s industrial and training infrastructure prepared to attract semiconductor investment, with the participation of over 40 delegates. The city's leaders also held meetings with semiconductor corporations and enterprises.

IPA Da Nang


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