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Da Nang focuses on attracting investment from South Korea
Author: Hòa Duy Võ Updated: 27/06/2024 Views: 82

On the afternoon of June 26, 2024, at the Da Nang City Administrative Center, with the permission of the City People's Committee, the Investment Promotion Agency coordinated with the Saigontel Hi-Tech organized " Invest in Da Nang workshop" towards Korean market.

The workshop was organized to promote the potential, advantages, investment opportunities, preferential policies, and investment support of Da Nang city to Korean organizations, businesses, and investors, creating favorable conditions for businesses and investors to connect Korean businesses and Da Nang city businesses to expand cooperation and business.

Speaking at the workshop, Ms. Huynh Lien Phuong, Director of the Investment Promotion Agency, said that in its development orientation, Da Nang identifies South Korea as one of the leading strategic partners in the cooperation. investment, trade and tourism. In 2023, export turnover to South Korea is estimated to reach 45 million USD; Import turnover is estimated at 65 million USD. In 2023, Da Nang welcomed more than 935,000 Korean tourists, accounting for nearly 50% of the total number of international visitors to the city. Regarding investment, as of March 2024, there are 279 investment projects from South Korea in Da Nang with a total investment capital of about 382 million USD, focusing mainly on the manufacturing and service industries. In terms of investment capital alone, South Korea ranked 5th among 45 countries and territories with investment capital in Da Nang. In the coming time, the city will focus on attracting Korean businesses and investors to expand cooperation and investment activities in the field of high-tech industry in addition to tourism and high-quality services. In particular, priority is given to the development of electronics, mechatronics, automation, precision mechanics, biotechnology, information technology, semiconductor industry and artificial intelligence.

View of the workshop (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

Speaking at the workshop, Mr. Le Hoang Phuc, Director of the Center for Research and Training of IC Design and Artificial Intelligence, said about the development orientation of the city's semiconductor and artificial intelligence industry in the future that in the coming time, the city will focus on three stages: design, testing and packaging. The city proposed 4 solutions to develop this field including: human resource development, infrastructure development, preferential investment policies and international cooperation. He also informed that the National Assembly has just approved a number of specific policy mechanisms for Da Nang, including preferential mechanisms in attracting investment in the field of semiconductor chips and artificial intelligence.

Sharing investment experience in Da Nang city, Mr. Mun Byong Doo, Deputy Director of ICT Vina Co., Ltd., currently investing in a medical equipment factory in Da Nang Hi-Tech Park, said "Through the process Investing in Dentium for more than 5 years in the city, he found that Da Nang is a place with many favorable environmental conditions along with a high-quality workforce and human resource training system Da Nang High School has preferential policies for businesses on land rent exemption, infrastructure use fees, corporate income tax incentives and import taxes. These are very attractive incentives for housing invest".

The exchange and discussion session also took place enthusiastically with contents related to procedures and investment processes in Da Nang Hi-Tech Park, human resources, living and working environment for investors. 

Group photos (Photo: IPA Da Nang)

IPA Da Nang


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Subsidiary Responsible Person: Mrs. Huynh Lien Phuong - Director of Danang Investment Promotion Agency