Watch-like G-Track smart bracelets attached with GPS devices |
In detail, watch-like G-Track smart bracelets attached with GPS devices are provided for direct contacts that are under at-home quarantine in the Ngu Hanh Son and Hoa Vang districts.
The quarantined are required to wear the turned-on smart bracelets around the clock so that functional forces can effectively monitor.
After being granted management accounts, representatives of the ward/ commune-level authorities and other agencies can log into the software (the web version or G-Zone app for Android phones) to track down the locations of the quarantined, and especially receive warnings about the quarantined who intentionally go out of their isolation positions, and get alerts about the removed or turned off bracelets.
The quarantined and their caregivers must use the Da Nang Smart City app installed on smart phones to make their health declarations in accordance with the prescribed time frames, namely 8:00am, 4:00pm, 9:00pm or before going to bed.
After being granted management accounts, representatives of the ward/commune-level authorities and other competent agencies can log in to the software at to manage information on the locations of quarantined.
The system will make unscheduled checks over the quarantined by sending messages to them on check-in requests. Simply put, message recipients must respond by sending photos of their faces and locations taken right at the time of request.